
Owen Hughes

Ontario's Commercial Real Estate
Niagara’s Growth Forecast Update

In recent news, it has been noted that Niagara’s growth forecast has been..

Niagara Falls, Adding to the Niagara Tourism Property List

In recent weeks, it has been announced that Niagara Falls is to add a new..

Fort Erie Development Project to Brighten Future for Seniors

Fort Erie is a town located on the Niagara River nestled in the easternmost..

Lakewood Condo Development Moving Forward

In previous weeks, a 41-unit condominium development on the shores of Lake Erie..

Prudhommes begins moving forward on Niagara expansion

The Prudhommes Landing property was sold a little over a year ago to FBH Group...

New residential developments to take place of former GM parking lot

A proposal for new developments in St. Catharines to take place in a small..

The City of Port Colborne New Subdivision Booming

The city of Port Colborne is about to see a number of new residents moving into..

New plans for historic Crystal Beach restaurant

The Palmwood restaurant in Crystal Beach is the latest site of new development..